1) Voalte Attending + Case Manager + Social Worker every morning where to start. Typically can use the group text that the Case Manager Assistants start for you for the day. Use 3 D's to prioritize rounds.
2) Keep a group text with other seniors on service, to help each other out, keep an eye on lay of the land, and discuss things amongst each other. Be each other's support!
3) Try your best to come into the patient room whenever possible with the attending to confirm plan of care, any changes made to plan after discussion with family, and learn from each attending's bedside interaction. Desktop Voalte Messenger vs. Phone App
4) Notify your attending or night hospitalist with any clinical concerns. Feel free to chat with hospitalist if not sure whether to make a patient a watcher. Always notify for any new watchers and/or deteriorating patients.
5) After PICU Response Event/Code White, debrief with bedside RN and charge RN to real time address issues and identify areas of improvement
6) Be prepared to run the list with attending in the afternoon around 330-4pm daily.
7) Weekends are hard - especially when you are cross covering 2 lists. Use this as an opportunity to really strengthen your skills but reach out if you have questions or need help.
8) When taking white cards, fill out as much information as possible, especially labs and vitals. Helps for thorough hand off and gives you sense of stable for floor vs. PICU
9) OK to ask questions of ED regarding patient, sometimes it is appropriate to request additional workup or wait for results or wait to monitor clinical change, if it will affect dispo of patient. Update Doc of Day if any clinical decision changes to hold patient after your evaluation
10) Direct supervision of Sub-I's, please review, co-sign, and attest their note. Interns can work directly with 3rd years.
11) Review diagnoses and update them prior to discharge. Use this Tip Sheet.
12) Night Rounds with Charge Nurses between 12am-2am. Doc of Day will send a reminder message.
**Enjoy being a senior! Support your interns and medical students. There are opportunities to "pre-tend" as 3rd year if interested, just let your attendings know. **
2) Keep a group text with other seniors on service, to help each other out, keep an eye on lay of the land, and discuss things amongst each other. Be each other's support!
3) Try your best to come into the patient room whenever possible with the attending to confirm plan of care, any changes made to plan after discussion with family, and learn from each attending's bedside interaction. Desktop Voalte Messenger vs. Phone App
4) Notify your attending or night hospitalist with any clinical concerns. Feel free to chat with hospitalist if not sure whether to make a patient a watcher. Always notify for any new watchers and/or deteriorating patients.
5) After PICU Response Event/Code White, debrief with bedside RN and charge RN to real time address issues and identify areas of improvement
6) Be prepared to run the list with attending in the afternoon around 330-4pm daily.
7) Weekends are hard - especially when you are cross covering 2 lists. Use this as an opportunity to really strengthen your skills but reach out if you have questions or need help.
8) When taking white cards, fill out as much information as possible, especially labs and vitals. Helps for thorough hand off and gives you sense of stable for floor vs. PICU
9) OK to ask questions of ED regarding patient, sometimes it is appropriate to request additional workup or wait for results or wait to monitor clinical change, if it will affect dispo of patient. Update Doc of Day if any clinical decision changes to hold patient after your evaluation
10) Direct supervision of Sub-I's, please review, co-sign, and attest their note. Interns can work directly with 3rd years.
11) Review diagnoses and update them prior to discharge. Use this Tip Sheet.
12) Night Rounds with Charge Nurses between 12am-2am. Doc of Day will send a reminder message.
**Enjoy being a senior! Support your interns and medical students. There are opportunities to "pre-tend" as 3rd year if interested, just let your attendings know. **